Central Avenue
Tree Lighting & Carol
Singing Video

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
The Central Avenue Christmas Tree
is at the corner of Old Sanford Street and Central Avenue. A new
Stop & Go Convenience Store has just opened up for business
on the corner.

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Opposite the Christmas tree, on
Central Avenue, the old Kress building, now occupied by
Capricorn, is all decked out for Christmas.

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Central Avenue East. The cross
street at the first stoplight is Evergreen Place on the left and
Sanford Street on the right. The CABID split the cost of the
decorations on the lamp posts with the City. In other words,
taxpayers paid for half.

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Central Avenue West heading
towards Orange, with South Mountain seen in the distance.

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Ms Jean James directed various
Cicely Tyson Choirs singing Christmas Carols at the corner of Old
Sanford Street and Central Avenue. The first choir was the Cicely
Tyson 6th Grade Choir with a medley of carols.
Cicely Tyson Sixth Grade Choir at Tree Lighting Event
12/12/13 from James Gerrish on Vimeo.
Video by Al-Quadir Marsh

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
The second choir was a group of
piano students, but how they could sing! Those bass singers can
really hit the low notes!
Cicely Tyson Piano Students Sing for Christmas Event
12/12/13 from James Gerrish on Vimeo.
Video by Al-Quadir Marsh

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
The final choir was the full
Cicely Tyson Middle School Concert Choir.
Cicely Tyson Middle School Choir from East Orange - Tree
Lighting Carols 12/12/13 from James Gerrish on Vimeo.
Video by Al-Quadir Marsh

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Free Hot Chocolate was served to
everyone at the St. Paul AME Church on Old Sanford St., courtesy
of Burger King.

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh
Also at St. Paul's AME Church,
Santa Claus was holding court with two balloon twisting elves who
also took free photos for those who wanted to pose with Santa.