Essex County Roads in East Orange
Editorial by Jim Gerrish


According to the Essex News Daily, many residents of East Orange may not be aware that they live on a county road, and as such have access to the Essex County Reporting system on-line - something that, unfortunately, the rest of East Orange doesn't yet have.

The Essex County Roads are those roads that are shared by more than one city. The complete list of roads that run through East Orange includes:

Central Avenue
Grove Street
Park Avenue
Sanford Street (Avenue)
South Orange Avenue

Any East Orange resident that lives on one those roads can report not just potholes that need repair, but a variety of other potential problems:

Pothole / Sidewalk Repair
Carcass Removal
Roadway Debris / Litter Removal
Snow / Ice Removal
Damaged and/or dead limbs
Interference with a traffic sign or signals
Street or sidewalk blocked
Traffic Signal Repair
Mosquito Inspection
Missing / Damaged Sign Repair


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