The soil was suited for growing grain and
vegetables, but the many swamps and marshes in the area made
farming difficult, since cattle and other livestock would
frequently wander off to die in some bog.
Immigrants were constantly arriving from England
and Scotland and fanned out to the mountain areas in the west.
These people became known as the "Mountain Society,"
although technically, they still belonged to the Newark Town
The land was soon being used for common
pasturage and for the quarrying of stone with which to build
houses. It was an attractive place and the population pressure
forced a drawing for land in the western area of the town in
1675. The parcels in the drawing were from 20 to 40 acres in size
and one of the restrictions imposed forced the owners to fence
them in order to prevent common use. Colony members expanded west
toward the mountains, settling what soon became known as High
Street. It became apparent that even more land was needed than
had been acquired in the original purchase.
In March 1678,
Daniel Dod and Edward Ball were sent to survey and extend the
northern line of Pasayak Towne from the Pesayak (now Passaic)
River on the north to Weequahic Creek on the south; from the bay
on the east to the foot of what later became known as Orange
Mountain. This land was then purchased from the Winacksop and
Shenacktos bands of the Lenni-Lenape. The price was
"thirteen kans of rum, three coates and two guns."
While surveying the area, Daniel Dod selected a
large holding near the Watsessing Plain for himself. This is
believed to have been the first settlement in the Oranges.
Together with his sons Daniel, Stephen, John, and Dorcas, Daniel
Dod began to settle the land he had claimed in the vicinity of
what is today the corner of Dodd Street and Midland Avenue *.
Rev. Abraham Pierson, pastor and leader of the
community since its emigration from Connecticut, died on August
9, 1678, to be succeeded by his son
and namesake.

1872 Map showing the Dodd Property * at the corner of Dodd St. and Midland
Avenue and extending back towards Bloomfield.
Further Resources of Interest on this