Veterans Day 2011

The Annual Wreath Placing Ceremony took place on Veterans Day, 11/11/11 at 11:00 AM in front of the East Orange City Hall Veterans' Memorial.

Standing beside the East Orange Liberty Bell, Cicely Tyson High School students Neil Davis and Deshaun Hinson of the East Orange Unified Marching Band play the traditional "Taps" on their trumpets.

Across the street at Cicely Tyson School, the members of the East Orange Unified Marching Band interrupted their rehearsal for Saturday's Playoff Football Game to stand at attention facing the flag at City Hall. They pay respect to their flag, the veterans gathered there, and hear their fellow band members play Taps. An honor to one is an honor to all.

If the city or other news organizations provide additional photos or information, we will link to it here.

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� 2011, James Gerrish and Frederick Goode, Temporary Custodians