365 MLK Boulevard Construction Project


On Tuesday, 4/2/13, East Orange officials pretended to break ground on the $900,000 project located at 365 Martin Luther King Boulevard.

The official photo from the city, taken by John Henry and published in the Star Ledger, shows everyone getting in on the act, even though a bulldozer had done the real work some days before.

L-R: Norma Mackey, Economic Development Manager, Troy Webster*, Aide to Mayor, Councilman Ted Green*, Business Development Committee Chairman, Mayor Robert Bowser*, Council President Quilla Talmadge, Sa'id Boykin and Gigi Boykin SBF Development, Valerie Jackson, Director of Planning.

*Running for election in the June 4th primary this year (2013). Webster for governor, Green for another term as council person, and Bowser trying for a fifth term as mayor.

The project will actually involve the construction of two buildings featuring apartments on the upper floors and a total of 2,800 square feet of commercial space on the ground floors, just like the buildings that were there before and which can be found all around that part of the city.

The project was developed by the Bloomfield-based SBF Development, LLC. No word yet if any East Orange workers are involved.

This photo was taken on-site on April 8th, 2013. Three workers, who don't appear to be from East Orange, did not want me to take photos of the project for some reason and yelled at me, to go away, so I did not take a chance on interviewing them on the subject of who was doing all the work and if they were residents of East Orange.

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� 2013, James Gerrish Temporary Custodian of the Web site