Daniel Babbit (Daniel-Isaac-Elkanah-Elkanah-Edward). Born
Aug. 3, 1788, in Mendham, N. J. Died May 16, 1864, in Orange, N.
Copy of Portfolio, dated Oct.,1874, of the New England Society of
Orange to Daniel Babbit:
Daniel Babbit, M. D., son of Daniel and Sarah (Beach) Babbit, was
born in Mendham, Morris Co., N. J., August 3,1788, and came to
Orange about the year 1810. At that time, as he informed Dr. Wm.
Pierson, Jr., in his last sickness, there was not a shade tree in
the town; and incredible as this may now seem, it is probably the
literal truth. Moved by this deficiency, he procured from Mendham
(about 1814) some buttonwoods, which he set out himself in front
of his residence on the West corner of Essex and Main Streets, in
front of and around the First Presbyterian Church, and elsewhere,
and gave away to whosoever would plant them. To this
public-spirited act must be traced the practice of setting out
shade-trees which has made the streets of Orange such an ornament
of the place; and in dedicating to him its first Portfolio of
tree-photographs, the New England Society is only paying him an
honor to which he is clearly entitled. Dr. Babbit was a graduate
of Princeton, and practiced medicine in Orange for about thirty
years. In 1811 he delivered, in the First Presbyterian Church, a
Fourth of July oration, which was printed in 1861 in the Orange
Journal. In 1823 he was one of the trustees of Orange Academy
(Hoyt's History of the First Church, p. 189). He was also one of
the original stockholders and for many years a director of the
Morris and Essex R. R., president of the Orange Bank until near
the close of his life, and vestryman and senior warden of St.
Mark's parish. He died May,16, 1864. A member of Union Lodge, F.
& A. M. Had served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of New