Spring 2011
East Orange Photo Poems of Spring

Residents of East Orange: If you would like your original photo poems published here, email them to me at [email protected].

3/ 15/11 - Crocus at 210 South Harrison Street. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

Not native to East Orange, the Crocus came from other lands;

Someone had to plant it here with kind and knowing hands.

Someone had to care enough to let it linger here,

It has a strong protector, who holds its beauty dear.

Its tiny presence summons Spring from warming skies above;

Like all small things of beauty in our city, it thrives on love.


3/ 15/11 - Onion Grass on a South Harrison Street front lawn. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

Often overlooked because it's green,

The onion grass is first to decorate the scene.

It grows in clumps and launches onion breath upon the breeze,

And offers soup and salad seasoning for free.


3/ 15/11 - Daffodils about to bloom on Sanford Street. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

The next to blossom in the scheme of things

Prepares its glorious entrance in the stage's wings.

Suddenly they burst forth yellow blooms at will,

Announcing Spring's arrival of the daffodil.


3/ 15/11 - Sandford Street View of the luxurious Crescent Park Apartment building. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

Hidden from the wealthy tenants who dwell on Harrison heights,

Dirty little secrets lay exposed to Sanford Street by nights.


3/ 15/11 - Negect on South Harrison Street. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

Those who toss their waste upon the land

Deserve the slum it must become by their own hand.


3/ 15/11 - Senior Garden at City Hall Plaza. Photo poem by Jim Gerrish.

This dedicated land, like all things Senior, suffers disrespect:

A victim of bad manners and neglect.


03/15/11 Entrance to City Hall Plaza, adjacent to both Cicely Tyson Elementary School and City Hall. Photo Poem by Jim Gerrish

That pile of litter did not blow there accidentally.

It was tossed across the tall fence purposely.

The City shares the shame by storing cans of toxic blue;

They've been there for two years and City Hall can surely see the view.

A lesson for the children of East Orange that adults don't care;

Grown-ups would remove the trash, but no one is allowed in there.

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