Earth Day / Johnny Appleseed Day - April 22, 2011

Photo by Al-Quadir Marsh

I arrived at the Clock Garden at about 11:45 AM, but decided there was nothing much to clean up there, so I moved further back down to the next garden and began to set up my Grocery Basket Kiosk. Fortunately, my helper and photographer, Al-Quadir Marsh, rode up on his bicycle just then and began taking pictures. This is the same Kiosk I used at the Tea Party Tax Day last Friday, but with new decorations.

Al-Quadir pitched right in, helping me to finish putting together the Kiosk, and then we started in cleaning up the small triangular park. This park is within sight of the Clock Garden, so if anyone came there looking for me, they would easily have found me just a little further down the street. No one came looking, so we just went ahead with the clean-up work.

Next to the triangular park, there is a great rectangular area that would make an excellent playing area for the local kids, but it was littered with glass and debris and the City seems to have forgotten it is there or how nice it could be. Al-Quadir and I did our best to clean it up, but someone will have to keep the local adults from trashing the place again so the kids can use it.

We had 30 minutes left of our scheduled time, so we moved the Kiosk down to the third garden in the area. This is a really beautiful little triangular plot just at the entrance to Old Sanford Street and the Extra Supermarket parking lot. The ground is covered with tiny blue violets, with occasional yellow violets peeking out, and lots of plump dandelions ready for harvest. In the center is a beautiful choke cherry tree just getting ready to burst into bloom. But there was also a lot of bottles and trash, so we got to work and finished our time cleaning it up. I had advertised that I would give an apple tree seedling to anyone who helped us collect litter, but since there were no helpers, I gave Al-Quadir a seedling (he only wanted one, although he had earned the whole basket!) and we ended our combined celebration of Earth Day and Johnny Appleseed Day. My motto for the Tea Party is "It only takes one," but I was very glad to have two of us out there today!

If anyone had asked for a brochure, this is what we would have given them.

Click on the Brochure to get a printable pdf file.

Click HERE to see Earth Day, 2010

Click HERE to see Earth Day 2012

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