Remember Corrupt Politicians

02/11/14 - Three NJ Republicans who voted FOR the “clean” debt limit increase:
REMEMBER: Rep. Frank LoBiondo, Rep. Jon Runyan, Rep. Chris Smith
Here is the complete list of all who voted for the increase

Why the Budget Deal was Bad 12/19/13

Remember These 9 Republican Senators Who Caved In on 12/18/13

Remember the Names of House Reps who Caved In on the Sequester Cuts (12/12/13)

28 Senate RINO that Need to be Dismissed

88 House RINO that Need to be Dismissed

Truth Matters in Minnesota: Why Not New Jersey?

Remember - US Senator Cory Booker

09/06/18 Violating Senate Rules - Releasing Confidential Documents

02/26/14 Newark Watershed Scandal

02/25/14 Booker's Involvement in Newark Watershed Scandal

Remember - NJ Senator Robert Menendez

10/10/16 Menendez Scandal NOT Over Yet

04/01/15 Menendez Indicted on 14 Federal Corruption Charges

03/06/15 Menendez to be Charged After 2 Year Investigation

What's this about New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez?
Follow-up story 3/2/13
Follow-up possible retraction story 3/5/13
Sen. Robert Menendez under investigation by grand jury 3/15/13
Prostitution scandal surrounding Sen. Menendez was a lie, officials say 3/19/13

6/23/13 Scandal just won't "Go Away." Here's a new one...

01/24/14 The Investigation Continues...

Remember - Thirteen Embezzlers
Tally in Illinois: 13 Charged, $16M Embezzled

Campaign Finance Abuses
04/09/13 I don't see Campaign Finance Reform on anybody's Election Promises

7/3/13 Campaign Reporting Violations

10/02/13 Joe DiVincenzo Caught in Campaign Fund Violations

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