City Employee of the Month - Dono Nuthin!

Dono Nuthin, head of the East Orange Department of Stupidity, has received an award as public employee of the month for doing absolutely nothing about putting up calendars of city events in a timely fashion, and making a new Vendor's license that doesn't look as if it was made by a third grader and which has been on the city web site since before Mayor Bowser was in office.

Remember when they USED to be called CELL PHONES?

The mayor usually poses with anyone and everyone when a photo opportunity arises, but we could only find this photo of Dono Nuthin peeking out from behind the mayor waving his trophy during one of the mayor's many "pat yourself on the back" public forums earlier this year.

L-R: Mayor Lester Taylor, Dono Nuthin of the Department of Stupidity
At one of his frequent public forums given earlier this year, Mayor Taylor is oblivious of the presence of his
Department of Stupidity Director, Dono Nuthin, who waves his recently acquired trophy behind the mayor's back.
We have no idea why he was given a trophy. Perhaps he found it in a garbage can.

No matter, Dono Nuthin is happy and proud to be a part of the "transparency and accountability" the mayor is always talking about. Especially the transparency part. He failed accountability in second grade. Dono Nuthin joins the parade of public employees who will be given awards by the city, like this one given for "Customer Service of the Quarter" recently and posted proudly on BOTH the city's facebook pages (OLD and NEW). The problem is, whomever posted it seems to know nothing more about the photo than what is printed in the box below it.

The City of East Orange Property Maintenance Congratulating Jean Charles and Angela Qualls for their service and commitment.

Perhaps the person posting to the city's facebook pages works in the Department of Stupidity under director Dono Nuthin. That would explain it. I'm only guessing that the two people named are shown in the center of the photo, but no one seems to know who the other two lurkers are or what they have to do with it. As for how they earned this prestigeous announcement (they don't seem to have been given trophies), we are left to guess. Perhaps it's for being spiffier dressers than their bosses. Whatever. No one at city hall seems concerned about reporting events like this with any accuracy, even though I attempted to explain how it should be done - and had my posts erased several times: "When you post a photo, you generally name all the people from Left to Right, not just two at random. Then you write a WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE sentence so we know what they did to deserve congratulations, and what exactly was that service and commitment mentioned? Is that like the mayor's constant refrain about his 'transparency and accountability' for which he never gives specific examples of either?" I guess they didn't like my attitude.

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