Columbian School
In 1892, on the 400th anniversary of Columbus voyage of
discovery, Columbian School was named in his honor and built on
pasture land in the midst of dairy farms on the corner of Grove
Street and Springdale Avenue. Construction in 1902 expanded the
building to its present size.

George Washington Carver (formerly Columbian)
School photographed in 2008. It has changed very little since the

Notice that the East Orange School District
felt free to use my 2008 photograph without crediting it, instead
of taking a photo of their own!
On August 11, 2015, we received the following
FROM: Peg, daughter of Veronica Mary RIMBACK
I have scanned the pages of my mother's
Columbian grammar school yearbook. I believe it is the class of
1938, because my mother went on to graduate in 1942 from Clifford
J. Scott H.S., but I noticed that some students wrote
"1939" by their signatures.
What makes this yearbook such a treasure is that
every photo has a signature, so they have already identified
themselves. My mother has signed her photo, "Me", so I
printed her name on her page (5). She was known as Vera Rimback
then. Later she married my Dad and took the nickname Ronnie, so
she was known as Ronnie Reynolds for the rest of her life. She
died last month, at 91 1/2 years. She had 6 children, 12
grandchildren & 14 great-grandchildren. She was born November
3, 1923 and died July 8, 2015.

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We welcome any additional old photos of the
school or vicinity or scans of yearbook pages. E-mail Jim Gerrish
at [email protected]
If family members of any of the above people
shown would like an enlargement of an individual's photograph,
please contact me.