East Orange Veterans Day Wreath

Once again the East Orange
Veterans assemble at the World War II Memorial at City Hall Plaza
for the annual wreath ceremony. Mayor Lester Taylor poses with
the Veterans for their annual portrait of remembrance.
Veterans' Day in East Orange, NJ 2014 from James Gerrish on Vimeo.

In previous years, the veterans
paraded from the entrance of City Hall to the Veteran's Memorial.
This year, the parade was made by a scout troup, who carried the
wreath and placed it before the Memorial. This is a good
improvement, combining our oldest generation with the youngest. I
only wish they had included some girl scouts, but perhaps next
year that oversight will be rectified.

The trumpet player was Cicely
Tyson and East Orange Unified Marching Band Alumnus Khalil Welch.
I couldn't see him from my vantage point, but someone else could
and posted this video clip on Khalil's Facebook Page. The last time we recorded him playing "Taps"
was on Memorial Day in 2010, so as sad as it always is, I'm glad someone called him
back to participate.

I doubt anyone will remember the
speeches, but what everyone present will remember is
that they were here together on this day, and together
did give honor to our Veterans and remembered them on their
special day in East Orange.
As other news media bring their
stories and photos of this event on-line, we will link to them
Past Veterans Days in our
Timeline: 2013 2011

Dedication of World War II Memorial at East Orange City
Hall Plaza, May 30, 1950