East Orange Interactive Museum

Like history itself, this site is in constant motion and change as time moves us from past to future
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Check back daily to see what's old and what's new.

An Interactive Timeline History of East Orange
(1666 to 2018)

Eternal Vigilence is the Price of Liberty

East Orange True News


04/03/19 Fire at Three Stages Childhood Center
on Evergreen Place. No Injuries.

03/31/19 - First Daffodils Blossom on Sanford Street
March Goes Out like a Lamb

First Crocus of Spring on Sanford Street

03/17/19 Rashawn Y. Simmons of EO Shot Dead on Main Street

03/05/19 Digging Out From Under
15 Days Until Spring

03/04/19 9:30 PM Street Shooting on S. 20th St.

03/04/19 Winter Storm Scott Passes Through
March Comes in like a Lion

Complete Past Monthly Reports of EO True News

EO Violent Crime "Score Board"

East Orange Weather Report

East Orange Weather Forecasts


Holding Ted Green Accountable


Plotting Islamic Terrorists
In New Jersey

05/01/18 Wannabee Terrorist Ali Muhammad Brown Sentenced to
Life Without Parole for West Orange Murder of Brendan Tevlin

05/01/18 Fort Lee Muslim Terrorists and Wannabees Sentenced to Prison

04/26/18 Syrian Imam Who Endorses Suicide Bombings Coming to NJ

02/13/18 Update: Ahmad Khan Rahami has Been Sentenced to Multiple
Life Sentences in a Posh Country-Club Jail Where He Can Recruit
More Inmates to His Evil Ideology - Islam.

02/13/18 Update: According to prosecuters, Ahmad Khan Rahami, who has been
imprisoned at the New York Federal Jail since his capture, has been giving
other inmates copies of terrorist propaganda and jihadist materials.
Our taxpayer dollars are at work helping him to recruit more jihadis within
the USA while under Federal custody.

Worldwide True News

Click HERE for the Latest Executive Orders
from President Donald Trump

02/05/19 President Donald Trump's State of the Union Address

10/13/18 Trump’s List: 289 Accomplishments in Just 20 Months

Deep State Abuses and Abusers

11/02/18 Beto O'Rourke Campaign Supports Invading Migrants

10/31/18 Racism & Corruption in Florida's Governor Race

10/23/18 Senator Heidi Heitkamp's Staff Reveals Bait and Switch Politics

10/19/18 Senator McCaskill's Attempts to Hide Her Agenda From Voters

10/16/18 Menendez or Hugin? Time to Choose.

10/11/18 Tennessee Phil Bresden's Staff Talk Behind His Back

09/25/18 Thomas Sheehy & Jerry Semasek - Corrupt IRS Officials

09/20/18 Auditor for the Government Accountability Office Natarajan Subramanian,

09/18/18 Stuart Karaffa, Federal Employee for State Department

05/21/18 - Ten Trump Promises Kept So Far

1. Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the US embassy there.
2. Change war strategy and defeat ISIS.
3. Give tax cuts to middle-class Americans.
4. Pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.
5. Reverse Obama's executive orders.
6. Stop over-regulation and jump-start the economy.
7. Draw North Korea to the table for talks and rein them in.
8. Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
9. Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
10. Impose a 10% repatriation tax to bring jobs back to America.

05/14/18 Commemorative Coin

05/14/18 Opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem

03/03/18 Bill Seeks to End Our Paying Palestinian Terrorists to Kill Jews


03/03/18 Real Foreign Government Meddling in the Last USA Election


02/02/18 The Declassified FISA Abuses Memo of 1/18/18: Read It For Yourself


01/18/18 President Trump's Fake News Awards for 2017

01/16/18 Official Results of the President's Medical Exam by a REAL Doctor (not a Media Wannabee).


Comparing World Class SheetWholes With SheetWhole Wannabees

India - Ganges River Pollution 2017
Shame of the City - 3rd Ward - 2015

El Salvadore - 2017
East Orange, NJ 2017

Haiti - 2017
East Orange, NJ 2017

01/11/18 More Twitter Shadow Banning Methods Revealed

You can be banned and not even know it.

01/10/18 Twitter Twits and Twats Take on Trump

If they can do that to our President, they can do it to YOU!


"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

Remember - President Barack Obama

Remember - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Remember Al Sharpton & Other Race Baiters

Remember Barack Hussein Obama

Remember - US Senator Cory Booker

Remember - NJ Senator Robert Menendez

Planned Parenthood & Abortion News

Remember Benghazi

Essex County Gun Buy-Back Scoreboard

Gun Control & Registration News

Climate Change News

Common Core News

America : Freedom to Fascism

Remembering History

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules For Radicals

Freedomworks' 13 Rules For Patriots

national debt

Historic World News
History Repeats Itself

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
attributed to Albert Einstein

"Ethics is nothing other than Reverence for Life.
Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality,
namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting and enhancing life,
and to destroy, to harm or to hinder life is evil."
— Albert Schweitzer

History Repeating Itself Once Again

What other "religion" celebrates
Violence, Beheadings, Suicide, Evil?

Ramadan 2019 - 05/05 - 06/04/19

Get ready for More of the Same.

Houston, Texas, February 17, 2019

History Repeating Itself Once Again

The Turkish massacres of Armenians
in 1894, 1895, 1896, and 1909

Why the US Won’t Recognize the Armenian Genocide

Historic World News from 2017 is archived HERE

Historic World News from 2016 is archived HERE


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

Muslim Terrorists in the USA

01/31/18 FBI confirms existence of
Islamic Jihadi Training Camps around America

11/11/16 The Muslim Brotherhood Declares the Election of
Donald Trump "a Disaster" for Muslims

09/22/15 Muslims Cannot Hold Public Office For These Reasons

1991 - The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan for America

The Silence of Moderate Muslims

01/05/16 Muslims Should Be Asked to Condemn Islamic Terror

05/29/16 How CAIR Feels About Our USA Memorial Day

CAIR NJ Facebook Page

East Orange's Connection to CAIR

08/03/16 East Orange Will Be Paying Zakat Again This Year

08/05/16 East Orange City is in Collusion with
the Islamic Circle for North America (ICNA)

10/02/16 C.A.I.R. is HAMAS in East Orange, NJ

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

Lying Muslims Playing Victims

06/15/18 Seven Lying Muslim Women

03/13/18 "Clockboy" & Family Lose Second Law Suit

02/01/18 Beloit College Muslim Student Arrested for
Hating Himself and Causing Criminal Damage

01/12/18 Eleven Year Old Muslim Girl's Claims to Have Been
Attacked in Toronto, Canada - Uncovered as a Hoax


Official Web Site of the City of East Orange
City Codes are Online
City Budgets are Online
Waste and Recycling Dept
Solid Waste and Recycling Handbook

East Orange City Hall Facebook Page

East Orange City Council Facebook Page

EO Recreational & Cultural Affairs Facebook Page

Friends of the East Orange Animals

The No Kill Advocacy Center

East Orange Public Library Web Site

East Orange School District Web site

EOCHS Facebook Page

Cicely Tyson School Facebook Page

East Orange School District Facebook Page

East Orange School District YouTube Channel

East Orange Neighborhood Profile - Statistics

Local On-Line "Feel Good" News:

The Essex (Waste Of) Times

The Alternative Press (TAP on Wood)

Worrall Community Newspapers Electronic Editions

Essex News Daily (Propaganda Once-In-A-Whiley)

Record-Transcript Facebook Page

Metro Breaking News for NJ

NJ Spotlight

The Newark Star Ledger: NJ.com

North Jersey Dot Com (Essex)

Essex County Place

Patch Sites

Newark Patch

South Orange Patch

West Orange Patch

Montclair Patch

Bloomfield Patch

Belleville-Nutley Patch

Millburn-Short Hills Patch

Livingston Patch

� 2019, James Gerrish , Temporary Custodian of the Web site.