East Orange True News

2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016

Violent Crime Scoreboard 2016

December 2016

12/29/16 - Once Again, NO Recycling & Waste Schedule
for 2017 from the City. Last Year it Took a MONTH
and a HALF to Produce the 2016 Schedule!

“Balozi” Robert Alexander Harvey
Dead at 76

12/26/16 Shooting at Park Avenue & Arlington Avenue

12/23/16 Superintendent West Signed It, So We May
Assume He Wrote it - Errors and All.

East Orange Celebrates the Election of
Next President Donald Trump by the Electoral College

EOUMB Performs at Joi's Angels
Christmas Party

12/13/16 Corey Sabb of EO Pleads Guilty to
Cowardly Gang-Beating a Man in Newark

12/12/16 EO Historical Society Adopts Room At Library

12/11/16 Apartment Fire on N. Harrison St.; 1 Dead
NJ12 Report -

Photo from @NJFires

Fire on Midland Ave. 2 Homes Burned.
1 Killed, 2 injured

12/10/16 Another Lawsuit For EO Taxpayers to Pay
Link to NJ Civil Settlements & Documentation

12/08/16 Man from Orange Who Shot Jonas Larose
of EO Arrested and Charged With Murder

EO Cheerleaders Win Disney Championship

12/05/16 Stabbing on 4th Ave & 20th St.

12/05/16 Should Sports That Increase Risk of Concussions
Be Banned or Regulated by Schools & Recreation Depts?

Parents! Protect Your Kids!

12/02/16 New EO Superintendent Kevin West Talks Purty...
Time Will Tell If He Means What He Wrote.

Just in Case: Parents! Take Control of Your Schools!

12/02/16 EO mayor Lester Taylor Falsely Claims That
EO Crime has "decreased by 21% this year"

The Truth is that Crime in EO has risen by 3.8%

12/02/16 C.A.I.R. is HAMAS in East Orange, NJ Also

November 2016

11/30/16 Jonas Larose of EO Shot to Death in Orange

11/24/16 Mayor and Council Give Away Freebies and
Forget to Thank the Taxpayers Who Paid For Them.

11/22/16 Shooting at William and Walnut Streets.
Anthony P. Mitchell of EO Arrested

11/18/16 EO mayor Lester Taylor Takes Credit For
"Preventing (Our) Water Crisis."

11/18/16 Damion Mikell of EO sentenced to six years
in prison for second-degree racketeering.

11/18/16 Ibn Holman of EO Indicted for Car Theft

11/17/16 Jagain Wilcox of EO Charged with
Drugs & Gun Possession in Bloomfield

11/14/16 Code Violations by Line A Democrats Continues
for Seventh Day.

Cory Poole Signs With Florida State University

11/12/16 Ryan Espinosa of EO Charged in Newark Shooting

11/11/16 Shooting at S. Clinton & Central Ave.
News Story Suppressed or Censored

Veterans Day Ceremony at EO City Hall

11/09/16 Shadeek Easterling of EO Charged With Irvington Murder

11/09/16 The Evidence of Corruption Continues to be Collected

Corrupt Democrats of EO on Election Day 2016

11/08/16 Police Vehicle Stop and Foot Pursuit
Hudson Ave and Hillcrest Terrace in EO

11/07/16 Shooting on Watson Avenue in EO

11/03/16 Dr. Kevin West to Take Over as EO Superintendent of Schools

October 2016

EOUMB Marches in the Linden, NJ, Halloween Parade

EOUMB Performs in East Orange at
Hallelujah Party, St. Paul's A.M.E. Church Event

10/30/16 Parents of East Orange School Pupils:
Did You Receive your October 1st Notification
As Required by State Law?

Parents! Take Control of Your Schools!

10/29/16 Christopher T. Clark of EO Arrested
in Newark on Gun & Drug Charges
- NJ.Com Report

10/28/16 Juan A. Flores of EO Arrested for Car Theft

10/26/16 Shooting on Walnut St. Injures Man

10/25/16 More "Free" Stuff Paid For From YOUR Taxes to
Feed Children of Those Already on Welfare.

10/24/16 Racist Conference to be Held In Newark
November 16th to 20th

10/22/16 Tatiana Quinones of EO Falls From Roof in Newark

10/20/16 Taji Whitaker of EO Arrested
in Newark on Drug Charges

EOUMB Performs at Bergan Blowout in Englewood, NJ

10/18/16 Kassan Messiah Arrested for Car Theft and Aggravated Stupidity

10/17/16 Several Pedestrians Struck by Car on Ashland Ave.

EOUMB Performs at EO Hospital's
Fall Harvest Health Fair

EOUMB Performs at Greenwood Community
Street Festival

10/14/16 Mayor claims: "We have experienced a crime rate that is as low,
if not lower, than it has been since 1968 in East Orange"

We Residents Know That's Not True

10/13/16 - Mayor Talks About "Gentrification" of EO
- You'd Better See Behind His Plans -

10/12/16 Second Person Falls to Death on Prospect St.

10/12/16 Person Falls From Building on N. Walnut St.

10/10/16 EO Eighth Highest Town for NJ Rapes

10/09/16 Application Deadline for NJ Rising Scholars
Award Extended to October 18, 2016

Printable Application

EOUMB Alumnus Adam Engers at
Cheyney Homecoming

10/07/16 Man Indicted for 2001 Murder of Andrea Ligons

September 2016

We Remember Who Attacked Us
We Remember Why They Attacked Us
We Remember Why They Continue To Attack Us To This Day
- We Hold Them Accountable -

09/28/16 Armed Robbery at Main & S. Harrison

9/28/16 Itiyanaha Spruill Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail

09/28/16 EO Number 20 on FBI List of
Most Violent Cities/Towns in NJ

9/25/16 Hanniyah Anderson of EO Shot in Newark
RLSmedia Report

09/23/16 Shaquan Johnson of EO Arrested for
Drug Dealing in Newark

09/21/16 EO Water Contains Elevated Level of Chromium-6
What That Means

09/20/16 East Orange School District Censors all Criticism

09/18/16 Man Shot on Central Ave. & Burnett St. Corner
Destrian Matteaux from Orange Shot Dead

09/12/16 Armed Robbery on Lincoln Street

09/12/16 Daniel Hawkins of EO Arrested
in Newark on Drug (CDS) Charges

Photo by Connie Jackson
Mayor and Wife Support Eagle Flight Program

09/09/16 Heart to Heart Health Care Services of EO
Cited and Fined for NJ State Violations

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs Report

09/07/16 Late Entry - EO Homicide Victim #13
Terrence Moore Killed in Newark 1/28/16

09/02/16 Which is True and Which is False?
Letter From School Superintendent Watson?
State Reports on EO School Performance?
Parents - Take Back Control of Your Schools!

EOUMB Delivers Two New Students
to Cheyney University

09/01/16 EO On List of NJ Heroin Abusers
#23 Out of a List of 30 Named Towns

August 2016

08/31/16 Quashan Lewis of EO Arrested for
Attempted Carjacking in Belleville

08/29/16 Itiyanah Spruill Pleads Guilty to Child
Endangerment Charges in 4 Year Old's Death

08/28/16 EOUMB Heads Out to Camp Canadensis
in PA to Finish Their Summer Band Camp

08/27/16 Neighbors Rescue Six From House Fire

08/26/16 Shooting Near Dunkin' Donuts on Central Ave.
rlsmedia.com Report

08/25/16 EO Homicide Information Submitted
by Essex County - According To rlsmedia.com

08/24/16 Javairia Jihad of EO Indicted in Car Theft Ring

08/24/16 EO Schools Among Lowest Performing in State

08/24/16 EO Again Makes "Unsafe City" List at #23

08/22/16 Tijuan Charles, age 17, Struck by Train
Near East Orange Station

08/22/16 Lateefah Reddick and Neima Jones of EO
Charged in Hurricane Sandy Relief Frauds

08/21/16 Essex News Daily Attempts to Hide
East Orange Murders To Make City Look Safe

True Murder Count for 2016

08/19/16 Brandon Johnson of EO Arrested for
Drug Dealing in Newark

08/18/16 - Parade of Instruments

08/16/16 Lucius Randleman of EO Arrested in Roselle Park
for Heroin Possession

Reverend Russell White Passed Away;
Funeral on Wednesday, 8/17/16

10/18/08 Torchbearer Award History

08/09/16 Roger Brown of EO was missing sailboater
found dead in Jersey City Marina
- NJ.com Report

08/05/16 East Orange City is in Collusion with
the Islamic Circle for North America (ICNA)

08/03/16 Underground Cable Fires Beneath Burnett Street

08/02/16 Danielle Small and Sherief Sims Sentenced
for 2014 Murder of Dana Jinks
- See 03/10/14

The Wiz Kids Perform at Joi's Angels' Cookout &
Carnival for National Night Out

08/01/16 Shots Fired; Man Down at Norwood & Tremont

EOUMB/Wiz Kids Get Ready for National Night Out

July 2016

Wiz Kids / EOUMB Performs in Bloomfield

07/28/16 Man Shot Dead on Park Street in EO
Tahji Hale, from Montclair, is EO Homicide Victim #12

07/26/16 EO Man Injured in Shooting in Orange

07/26/16 East Orange - Number 9 on List of NJ Towns
With Most Vehicle Thefts

07/23/16 Armed Carjacking Near Westcott Street

07/23/16 Shots Fired Near Tremont Lounge - 2 Injured

07/21/16 Two EO Men Arrested for Shootings in Newark

07/20/16 Guns Fired on Central Ave. Near EO Border
with Orange - 1 Dead, 2 Wounded

07/20/16 Jeffrey Holland of EO Indicted for
Three Newark Murders
- NJ.Com Report

Photo by Chris Sykes
Public Safety Forum Tries to Convince Us
How Safe We Are in East Orange in the Midst of
All These Shootings

07/15/16 Naeem Roberts of EO Shot Dead in Newark

07/14/16 Rasuan Foster of EO Indicted for
December 2015 Murder
- See 3/24/16

07/10/16 Christopher Brown Arrested in Newark
for Gun Possessions.

07/06/16 Two East Orange Residents Involved
in Newark Car Theft Ring

07/06/16 Rajheher Massenburg Found Not Guilty
on All Charges

07/02/16 Person Shot and Killed on Watson Avenue

07/01/16 East Orange Juvenile Arrested
on Weapons & Drug Charges

Kessler Car Crash Fire Injures Three Persons

June 2016

06/28/16 Combined EOUMB/Wiz Kids Summer
Band Camp Begins

06/25/16 Four-Year-Old Child Shot on Norman Street
Child, Shot by Brother, Dies - 08/29/16 Mother Pleads Guilty

06/24/16 NJ Supreme Court Sends 2009 EO Sex
Harrassment Case back to Trial Court

06/23/16 Allyson “Michael” Daniel of EO Arrested
in Roselle Park - Vehicular Crimes

06/22/16 Mayor Passes off Water Works Management to
Violia North America Company. No further info available.

EOUMB/Wiz Kids Perform in African Heritage
Parade in Paterson, NJ

Connie Jackson Wants to Use Graffiti to
Combat Graffiti in East Orange. Good Luck With That!

06/12/16 EO City Budget FINALLY put On-Line -
Too Late - It's Already Been Approved

(Check the Signing Dates!)

The Wiz Kids, Inc. of EO Merges with EOUMB and
They Perform Together at Allentown, PA

06/10/16 City Counsel Joins Mayor and Raises Taxes
Remember That for the Next Election

06/09/16 Fire Burns Down Three Abandoned-Connected
Houses on N. 16th St & Park Avenue

06/07/16 Grumpy Trump Will Take on Crooked Hillary
as Presidential Candidates Continue the Race

06/07/16 Bryant Rudd of EO Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison

The EOUMB Performs in North Amityville, NY

06/03/16 The Mayor's List of Summer Fun and Games
in the City Parks Does NOT Address Educational
Needs nor Academic Learning Skills

Parents - Take Back Control of Your Schools!

06/02/16 NJ State Releases List of Most Violent Schools
East Orange is Number 3 on List

Parents - Take Back Control of Your Schools!

06/02/16 NJ State Releases List of Schools With Most
Alcohol and Drug Use - EO is Number 5 on List

Parents - Take Back Control of Your Schools!

06/02/16 NJ Black Mayors (Including Ours)
Endorse Crooked Hillary

Stand Up for an Elected School Board
Parents - Take Back Control of Your Schools!

06/01/16 Instead of Posting the City Budget On-Line
We Get This Confusing Notice Instead...

May 2016

05/31/16 Stabbing of Middle School Teen on Park Avenue

05/31/16 Ibn Shabazz of EO Charged With
Human Trafficking of Teens
RLSmedia Report

EOUMB Performed In Fort Lee Memorial Day Parade

05/27/16 EO City Abandoned Properties Auction

05/26/16 Happy Red Nose Day!

EO Educators Picket at City Hall

05/20/16 James Rhodes of EO Shot to Death In Camden
Killer Arrested

05/20/16 EO City Abandoned Properties Auction

05/19/16 School Matters Episode 47:
Voters Want an Elected School Board in East Orange

05/19/16 West Orange Posts Board Meetings On-Line
East Orange Still Doesn't Understand "On-Line"

05/17/16 EO Council Approves Budget but It STILL is Not
On-Line for Taxpayers to See.

EOUMB Performs At Meadowlands Show

05/14/16 Shooting on Prospect St. Metro Media Report

EOUMB Performs at Elmwood Park
BJ's Walk For Hope

05/13/16 Joshua Smith of EO Shot Dead in NWK

Elijah Shumate of EO Signs with NFL Tampa

05/09/16 Shanice ‘Safiyah’ Morgan Charged
with Possession of CDS

05/09/16 East Orange High Schools Ranked by SAT Scores

05/08/16 Car Struck by Gun Shot on Beech Street

05/08/16 Two Cars Flip Over in Two Separate Accidents
in East Orange. Guess why?
PATCH Report

05/06/16 Twelve EO Residents Arrested in Drug Bust
NJ.com Report

05/06/16 Meljia T. Oliver of EO Charged With Newark Murder

05/05/16 Stabbing on Smith Street

05/05/16 William Logan Indicted For Murder of His Mother

05/05/16 Holocaust Remembrance Day

05/03/16 List of Local Restaurants That Contribute Taxes
for Islamic Terrorism

April 2016

Credit: NBC New York
East Orange Found on ISIS "Hit List"

04/29/16 - Maurice Dernier of EO Arrested For NWK Shooting

04/29/16 -
Happy Arbor Day!

04/28/16 - Shooting on North Arlington Avenue

04/28/16 -
EOUMB Performs Outside Philip's Academy

04/25/16 - Shooting on Harrison St. and Central Ave.

04/24/16 - Remember

04/22/16 EO Police Pursue Shooter on Martens Ave.

04/21/16 Shooting on Sanford St. And McKay Ave.
Victim Died. ID: Isaiah T. Peterson of SO

04/19/16 EO Firefighters Rescue Construction Worker
NJ.com Report

Afterschool Workout with EOUMB at Orange Park

04/18/16 Hector Rivera of EO Arrested
on Multiple Drug Charges

04/17/16 Man Shot to Death on Warwick Street
RLSmedia Report and Map
Identified as Gary A. Brown of EO

EOUMB Seniors Visit Delaware State University -
Scholarship Audition Time!

04/14/16 Two EO Men Shot Near Central Ave & 10th Street

04/11/16 Public Hearing on the 2016 EO City Budget
Scheduled for Monday, 4/25/16.
Meanwhile, the Proposed Budget is STILL Not Online.

04/11/16 Power Will Be Out in The First Ward
on April 13th for PSE&G Electrical Repairs

04/04/16 Angel Kearney of EO Arrested in Irvington
on Weapons and Drugs Dealing Charges.

04/03/16 Armed Robbery in Convenience Store on William St.

04/02/16 Khianna Reynolds of EO Charged With Carjacking
in Los Angeles, California

04/01/16 Instead of TELLING Us About the Budget for 2016,

March 2016


03/29/16 Jocelyn Dahta Pleads Guilty to Murder of Henry Boyd

03/28/16 Shots Fired at Vehicle at Halsted & Rhode Island Ave.

03/28/16 Taxi Driver Shot in Face on Davis Place
NJ.COM Report

03/26/16 Voter Registration in EO Parks...
Oh, Yes, and Easter Egg Hunts, too. More FREE STUFF!

03/26/16 Mayor Parties in Parsippany, not in EO
... but you knew that. Were you invited?

03/24/16 Rasuan Foster of EO Arrested
and Charged with Murder
- See 7/14/16

EOUMB Performs at NJIT vs U of Texas at Arlington

Forsythia Blooms All Around the City Today!

EOUMB Performs at NJIT vs Boston U Game

First Day of Spring

03/18/16 Daniel Hunt Sentenced For Fencing Stolen Cars

03/17/16 EO Has 85 Registered Criminal Offenders
Affecting Home Value in our City

03/16/16 EOUMB Performs at NJIT vs Army Game

03/14/16 Beware Fraudulent Craigslist Dealings in EO

03/14/16 EO Essex Jail Inmates Charged with Filing False
Tax Returns

03/12/16 Mark Caldwell Loses Appeal in 2005 EO Murder Case

EOUMB Marches in the Hamilton Township
St. Patrick's Day Parade

03/09/16 First Crocus of Spring

03/08/16 Jackie Pena's Murderer Sentenced Today

03/07/16 The mayor and his rich friends party in parsippany

03/07/16 Jackie Cotton-Pearson of EO Arrested for Promoting
Prostitution of a Minor

New EOUMB Uniforms Are Ready!

03/06/16 We're Pretending That 86 Police Absences on
February 19th Was NOT a "Sick-Out."

03/04/16 Talmadge Sentence Proves Black Lives
Don't Matter ... in Newark.

03/03/16 Mario Gayles of EO Indicted for Irvington Murder

03/01/16 EO General Hospital Bought by Prospect Medical
Holdings of Los Angeles

EOUMB Plays at NJIT Atlantic Sun Tournament

February 2016

American History Month

02/29/16 Tushon Jones Shot Dead In His Charles St. Home

02/28/16 Shooting on Charles Street

02/28/16 Call the Spin Doctor - The Police "Sickout"
on February 19th Wasn't a "Sickout", but a "SickOF"

Photo by 4th Stooge: Chris Sykes of END
The Three Stooges Smile as they Take
YOUR Money to pay off Union Voters

02/25/16 Samuel Alexander Loses Appeal for 2007 Murder

02/24/16 Kidnapped East Orange Baby Found in NY

02/22/16 Armed Carjacking Reported on Rutledge Ave.

02/20/16 Newark Police Car Chase Leads to EO Crash

02/19/16 86 EO Police Union Workers Call out "Sick"

02/16/16 Jocelyn Dahta of Orange Arrested
For Murder of Henry Boyd of EO

02/15/16 East Orange Water Commission Should
Be Abolished

02/15/16 It Only Took a Month and a Half to Finally
Post the 2016 Solid Waste and Recycling Information

EOUMB Performs at the Juvenile
Detention Center in Newark

02/12/16 Alvin B. Allen Murdered on Prince St., Newark

02/09/16 Henry Boyd Found Murdered in S. Harrison Apt.

02/05/16 Shooting on Park Avenue & North Clinton

02/04/16 Lester Taylor Raises Taxes to Buy Union Votes

02/04/16 East Orange Schools Deficient in PARCC Results
Quick Results List

02/02/16 Jeffrey Holland Arrested for Newark Murders

02/01/16 Mayor Wants Fannie Mae to Sell Mortgages
to Non-Profit Housing Agencies

02/01/16 EOWC Lowers Water Rates Beginning Today
Notice That They Don't Say How Much Lower!

January 2016


01/31/16 As of This Date, There is STILL No
Solid Waste Pickup Schedule for 2016.
Perhaps it will be ready by next year.

01/29/16 Azil Eddington of EO Gets Away With Murder

01/28/16 Eric Talmadge Pleads Guilty - Suckers System

01/28/16 EO Continues to Sell Contaminated Water to SO

01/28/16 Corey Sabb Arrested for Newark Assault

01/28/16 Terrence M. Moore, Jr., 23, of East Orange Shot to Death on New Street, Newark
Late Entry 9/7/16 - EO Homicide Victim #13 - 11/06/16
Second Murderer Jailed

01/27/16 Armed Carjacking and Police Chase

01/25/16 East Orange School District is Closed Monday

And Away it Goes!

01/23/16 State of Emergency Declared in East Orange
All Streets Closed - Emergency Vehicles ONLY
Until Tomorrow NOON (1/24/16 - 12:00 PM)

01/22/16 11:00 PM Jonas Arrives with Light Snow

01/22/16 Preparations For Arrival of Winter Storm Jonas

01/21/16 More Animal Shelter Bad News Concerning Rabies

01/20/16 Shawn Harrison Charged with Robbery in Secaucus

01/19/16 Vernon Robinson Arrested on Drug Charges in Newark

01/18/16 Westley R. Roberson Found Shot to Death in Car #1

01/18/16 Two East Orange Men Face Murder Charges

EO Health Director Rochelle Evans Charged
With 44 Violations for City Animal Shelter Conditions

Patch Report

01/10/16 EO Toll Booth Robbed on Garden State Pkway

01/10/16 NJ Report on Violence in EO Schools in 2015

01/08/16 Diken Michelle Sentenced to 33 Years

01/08/16 Dwayne Harper of EO Arrested in
Connecticut on Drug Charges - Out on Bail

01/08/16 Shooting on S. Clinton & Elmwood

01/08/16 Advance Auto Parts Stores Cited for Violations

01/06/16 EO Public Safety Director Suspends
Deputy Chief of Police

01/06/16 EO School District Failing in 2016

01/03/16 Kimberly Flemming Arrested for Drunk Driving

01/02/16 Armed Carjacking Reported at Park Ave
and Greenwood Ave.

01/01/16 The City of EO is Already Behind the Times
Link led to City's 2015 Waste Pickup Schedule for several days into 2016


Historic World News
History Repeats Itself

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
attributed to Albert Einstein

"Ethics is nothing other than Reverence for Life.
Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality,
namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting and enhancing life,
and to destroy, to harm or to hinder life is evil."
— Albert Schweitzer

The United Nations Attempts ANOTHER Power Grab
to Force Communist Goals on us All.
Remember Agenda 21? Here is the Latest:

A National Police Force

Founded in 1925, the “Schutzstaffel,” German for “Protective Echelon,” initially
served as Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler’s (1889-1945) personal bodyguards,
and later became one of the most powerful and feared organizations in all of
Nazi Germany. Heinrich Himmler (1900-45), a fervent anti-Semite like Hitler,
became head of the Schutzstaffel, or SS, in 1929 and expanded the group’s
role and size. Recruits, who had to prove none of their ancestors were Jewish,
received military training and were also taught they were the elite not only of the
Nazi Party but of all humankind. By the start of World War II (1939-45), the SS
had more than 250,000 members and multiple subdivisions, engaged in activities
ranging from intelligence operations to running Nazi concentration camps. At the
postwar Nuremberg trials, the SS was deemed a criminal organization for its direct
involvement in war crimes.


March 2, 2015 - Interim Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing:

0.1 OVERARCHING RECOMMENDATION: The President should support and provide
funding for the creation of a National Crime and Justice Task Force to review and evaluate all
components of the criminal justice system for the purpose of making recommendations to the
country on comprehensive criminal justice reform.


March 3, 2015 - "We have a great opportunity … to really transform how we think about
community law enforcement relations. We need to seize that opportunity … this is something
that I'm going to stay very focused on in the months to come." Barrack Obama

May 2, 2015 - "We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the Twentieth-Century, we had to fight states' rights to get the right to vote.
We gonna have to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases." Al Sharpton

May 6, 2015 - "After a federal monitor works with the city to reform its law enforcement
practices, Newark will have the best police department in the United States."

Police Director Eugene Venable as reported in NJ.com

Jihad vs Crusades

Get the facts before you embarrass yourself, Mr. President.

Here's a former President with a different view:

"No state paper from a Christian hand, could, without trampling
the precepts of its Lord and Master, have commenced by an
open proclamation of hatred to any portion of the human race.
The Ottoman (Muslim) lays it down as the foundation of his discourse."
John Quincy Adams
The American Annual Register for the Years 1827-8-9, Blunt, Joseph (1830)

Historic Executions of Homosexuals


12/04/14 Arizona Baptist Cleric Advocates Executions of Gays

Another man thrown off a roof and stoned to death by a crowd.

Another man murdered for the delight of the crowd
of Muslims below, who finished him off by stoning.

1/15/15 -
Muslims Execute Men by Throwing From Tall
Building as Crowd of Muslims Watches From Street.

6/03/15 - Muslims Continue to Throw Men Off Buildings For the
Amusement of Moderate Muslims Below.

Muslim Atrocities Continue into 2015

06/05/15 Muslim Show & Tell for Children

Muslim Savagery Today

Eleven Year Old Iraqui Boy Executed by Iranian-backed Militia

2/15/15 Twenty-one Christians Beheaded - Why? Because They Are Christians.

Iraqi Soldier Decapitated - Muslim Watchers Invited to Step on Body

Three New Decapitations by Muslims - Iraqui Victims from Sinjar

Muslim Atrocities Continue into 2016

12/31/15 New Year's Eve 2016 Cologne, Germany

01/08/16 - Fatwa #64 - How to Be a "Good" Muslim Rapist

02/17/16 Muslims Crucify Cats and Dogs as Well as Humans

Iraqui Man Murdered by Muslims for Being Gay

Ramadan Begins June 5th

The Ramadan Bombathon Score for 2016

06/12/16 Ramadan Murder at Gay Club in Orlando, Fl
Deadliest Mass Shooting in US History

9/11/16 Streets of Dhaka in Bangladesh Run Red With Blood
to Celebrate the Muslim Eid Slaughter of Animals

History Repeating Itself Once Again

1942 - Der Fuehrer's Face - Walt Disney

"Marching and heiling, heiling and marching. In him is planted
no seed of laughter, hope, tolerance or mercy. For him - only
heiling and marching, marching and heiling. The grim years
of regimentation have done their work. Now he's a good Nazi.
He sees no more than the party wants him to. He says nothing
but what the party wants him to say. And he does nothing
than what the party wants him to do. And so he marches,
with millions of comrades, trampling on the rights of others.."

May, 2015 - Bosch Fawstin's Winning Cartoon

History Repeating Itself Once Again

USA TODAY Editorial Cartoon, February 2, 2015

1943, Nazi Controlled Germany

History Repeating Itself Once Again

The Turkish massacres of Armenians
in 1894, 1895, 1896, and 1909

February, 2015 - Starbucks Poster Celebrates Armenian Holocaust

04/07/15 Muslim Cartoons Mocking the Holocaust

04/22/16 President Obama Breaks Promise to call Armenian Killings 'genocide'

04/24/16 Actor George Clooney Remembers What Obama Would Rather Forget.

Muslims Generally Stand with Turkey and Deny the Genocide
Our local Muslims are Awfully Quiet This Time of Year,
as they are every September 11th. Hmmmm.

06/02/16 Germany Declares 1915 Massacre of Armenians was Genocide;
Turkey has Hissy Fit and Recalls its Ambassador from Berlin

Why the US Won’t Recognize the Armenian Genocide

Historic World News from 2014 is archived HERE


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

Muslim Terrorists in the USA

12/30/15 The War Has Come to East Orange.

This East Orange City Site was Hacked by Turkish Cyber Army on 12/30/15

05/05/15 New Jersey - Several Links to ISIS - Defeated

08/18/15 Florida - Planned Attack - Defeated

11/11/16 The Muslim Brotherhood Declares the Election of
Donald Trump "a Disaster" for Muslims

02/17/15 Click on their Pictures - Learn Who They Are

09/22/15 Muslims Cannot Hold Public Office For These Reasons

1991 - The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan for America

The Silence of Moderate Muslims

CAIR NJ Facebook Page

12/31/15 - Houston Mosque Burned Down...
by Muslim Faking a "Hate Crime"

12/5/15 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) has placed CAIR
on the same Terrorist List as Al-Qaeda

4/13/15 -280 Muslims representing Muslim Brotherhood front groups
invaded Capitol Hill in Washington DC on ‘Muslim Hill Day.’

04/16/15 Holocaust Remembrance Day - Muslim Cartoons Mocking the Holocaust

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

East Orange's Connection to CAIR

08/03/16 East Orange Will Be Paying Zakat Again This Year

08/05/16 East Orange City is in Collusion with
the Islamic Circle for North America (ICNA)

10/02/16 C.A.I.R. is HAMAS in East Orange, NJ Also

Lying Muslims Do Not Help

12/14/16 - Another Lying Muslim Arrested

05/17/16 Surrendering to Islam

03/18/16 Fact-Checking "10 Lies You Were Told about Islam" (Part 1)

01/08/16 UK Muslim Teen Cries Wolf... but There Is No Wolf

12/31/15 - Houston Mosque Burned Down...
by Muslim Faking a "Hate Crime"




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