East Orange True News

2013 - 2014 - 2015

December 2013

12/30/13 Ricky Hubbard of EO Arrested in Car Chase

12/28/13 Robert Mercedes of EO Arrested for Bank Robbery

12/27/13 Death of Pregnant EO Woman Deemed "Suspicious"
Follow-Up: 12/31/13 -
Babatope Owoseni Arrested

12/26/13 Colby Richardson of EO Arrested for Gun

12/23/13 EO Campus Hosts Holiday Basketball

12/21/13 Swearing In of New Mayor on January First

12/17/13 School Violence Reports 2012- 2013

12/16/13 Ted Green Takes on Another Job

12/13/13 EO City Snow Emergency Parking Rules

12/12/13 Central Avenue Tree Lighting & Carol Singing

12/05/13 Tree Lighting & Carol Singing Video (12/5)

November 2013

11/24/13 EO Girl Returns From Nightmare Vacation

11/21/13 New Electric Vehicle Company in EO

11/16/13 Jamil Jeffries of EO Found Dead In Newark

11/16/13 Jillian Barrack Resigns as City Administrator

11/13/13 The EO Election Pay Back Begins

11/11/13 Haji Hines & Cousin from EO Arrested

EO Veterans Day Ceremony

11/09/13 EO Jaguars Make Playoffs

11/05/13 EO Has a Part-Time Mayor

11/05/13 Election Violations at Sanford St Polling Place

11/03/13 Victor Rivera of EO Shot and Killed

11/01/13 EO Teacher Charged With Assaulting Student

11/01/13 Freddie Simmons of EO Arrested for Shooting

11/01/13 EO Band Travels to Atlanta, GA

October 2013

10/27/13 EO Band in Linden Halloween Parade

10/26/13 EO Band in DC Battle of the Bands
4 Trophies Awarded!

10/23/13 Levi Johnson of EO Sentenced to Prison

10/22/13 EO Hospital Opens Behavioral Health Unit

10/20/13 EO Band in Creation Nation Parade

10/19/13 EO - 0 ; Ridgewood - 53

10/16/13 Corey Booker is US Senator

10/11/13 EO Jaguars win over Columbia 8-6

10/11/13 New "Sit Down" Restaurant Opens in EO

10/09/13 EO Choir Students Take a Trip To Bountiful

10/08/13 Connie Crawford of EODC Answers Concerns

10/07/13 Federal Investigation Called For EOCD

10/06/13 EO Community Development Concerns

10/04/13 Richardson Brothers Charged with Drug Deal

September 2013

09/30/13 EO Woman Robbed at Gunpoint in Bloomfield

09/28/13 Ibn Reed of EO Arrested in Drug Deal

9/22/13 EO Man fakes armed robbery in WO

09/22/13 Belleville Burglar Arrested in EO

09/19/13 VLD 1973 Class Ring Found - Owner Sought

09/14/13 EO Car Thief Steals Car in Livingston

09/11/13 EO Dollar Store Owner Admits to Fraud

09/03/13 Five Injured in EO Bus Crash

09/02/13 Zakeer Roberts of EO Arrested

09/01/13 "Fathers Walk Children To School" Set
for Monday, September 9th, 2013

August 2013

08/27/13 Sean Munford of EO killed in Newark

08/26/13 Dion Jackson of EO arrested.

08/25/13 Tari Turpin of EO Involved in Shooting

08/25/13 East Orange Unified Marching Band
heads to Camp Kweebec in PA

08/22/13 EO Teen Involved in SO Robbery

08/21/13 Timothy Melendez of EO Arrested

08/21/13 EO Police Bicycle Auction on 8/31/13

08/20/13 EO Police Arrest Drug Gangs

08/19/13 EO Brick Church About to be Foreclosed

08/12/13 EO Woman Talks About Incest

08/09/13 EO Police Officer Shoots Burglar

08/03/13 Byron Sankar of EO; Handgun Shooting

08/02/13 East Orange August Calendar of Events

08/02/13 Phylicia Jackson of EO Arrested for Threats

08/01/13 East Orange Unified Marching Band Camp

July 2013

07/30/13 EO Woman Robbed at Gunpoint

07/30/13 The Incompetent City Council & The Budget

07/27/13 Next Primary Election on August 13th

07/23/13 Maurice Golden of EO arrested for Identity Theft

07/18/13 Jamil Tutt Shot in EO

07/17/13 EO Nathaniel Tullies Charged by Feds

07/12/13 EO's Bowser & National Conference of Black Mayors

07/12/13 Second Montclair Shooter Arrested in EO

07/11/13 EO Doctor Agarwal Sentenced in Kickback Trial

07/10/13 EO Man Shot in Irvington

07/02/13 Dedication of Harry James Ball Court

June 2013

06/28/13 EO Crime is Down but Political Corruption Remains

06/25/13 Laquan Willis arrested for Newark murder

06/19/13 Fourth of July Celebration Announced ON TIME!

06/18/13 Kevin Taylor, a "Write In" Candidate in November

06/17/13 Sierra Spriggs, Award Winner!

06/16/13 Ronald Jones of East Orange
Arrested for Car Jacking

06/16/13 Idiot Politicians Want to Glorify
East Orange Car Jackers With Our Money

06/13/13 Kevin Taylor Does NOT Concede Election

06/11/13 East-West Game Results

06/10/13 EO Murderer Caught in Newark

06/09/13 EO Man shot dead in Newark

06/08/13 - East-West Game at Robeson Stadium
Has Been Changed to Tuesday - 6/11/13

06/06/13 Only 24% of East Orange Voters Turned out on June 4th

06/05/13 East Orange Teenage Girl Shot at Home
Follow-up: "Boyfriend" sought for murder

06/05/13 Mayor Bowser Concedes Defeat

06/05/13 Mayor Bowser Refuses to Concede

06/05/13 East Orange has a Part-Time Mayor

06/03/13 U.S. N.J. Senator Frank Lautenberg, Passed Away

06/02/13 EO survived TWO motorcades

06/02/13 Star Ledger Tries to Influence EO Mayor Race

06/01/13 Kevin Taylor's Statement on PolitickerNJ

06/01/13 EO Police Seek Overtime Pay in Law Suit

May 2013

05/30/13 North Munn Avenue Scene of Shootings

05/28/13 Elmwood Park Basketball Court Getting 40K Fix

05/24/13 Two from EO nabbed in Newark Drug Raids

05/24/13 Star Ledger Snubs Pullins

05/24/13 Senate Candidates debate in Montclair

05/24/13 Newark Watershed Company Improprieties

05/23/13 EO Police work with Newark Police on arrest

05/22/13 Senate Candidates hold "secret" debate in EO

05/18/13 BJ's Walk For Hope inspires Hope in East Orange

05/16/13 Mayoral Debate at New Hope Baptist Church

05/16/13 Bowser Continues His Run for 5th Term as Mayor

05/15/13 Mayoral Debate at Cicely Tyson School

05/13/13 EO Council Requests Mayor to Resign (6-2)

05/13/13 EO Man Sentenced to Life in Prison

05/12/13 Vote the Person, NOT the Line

05/12/13 East Orange Facebook Page Taken Over by Spammers

05/10/13 EO Record links Police Scandal to Sex Scandal

05/10/13 The EO Tea Party Does NOT Accept IRS Apology

05/07/13 Food Stamp Fraud at EO Dollar Store

05/05/13 EO Police officer shoots man with a machete

05/05/13 Tyson Elementary Gardeners

05/04/13 New Mayoral Debates Announced

05/03/13 Mayor Bowser Responds to Charges

05/02/13 Fifth Ward Council Candidates' Debate

05/02/13 Mayoral Sex Scandal in News Again

April 2013

04/25/13 East Orange Man shot and killed in Orange, NJ

04/23/12 East Orange Police Tackle Dollar-Store Robber

04/20/13 Mayoral Debate at New Hope Baptist Church

04/18/13 Mayoral Debate at Bethel Presbyterian Church

04/18/13 Tractor Trailer Crash in EO on 280

04/18/13 Alicia Holman Takes Over East Orange Record

04/17/13 EO Firefighter indicted for reselling gasoline

04/17/13 EO Man Mistakenly Released Turns Himself In

04/16/13 EO Man on Trial for Murder Mistakenly Released

4/13/13 EO Police to Host a Mayoral Candidate’s Night

4/12/13 East Orange Man shot and killed this morning

04/11/13 Calls for investigations just politics?

04/11/13 Mayoral Candidate Panel Discussion Planned

04/08/13 Two East Orange Schools Investigated for Cheating

04/08/13 East Orange Honors Four New Eagle Scouts

04/08/13 Sixteen Million Dollar "Campus" underway

04/07/13 Applications for New Charter Schools include one for E.O.

04/07/13 Councilwoman "alarmed" over quotas

04/05/13 East Orange police arrest 56 people

04/05/13 East Orange's Water and Politics

4/04/13 Jury convicts East Orange man of murder

4/03/13 Two of the Mayoral Candidates Just Lost a Vote

4/02/13 New $900K Development on MLK Blvd MAP

4/02/13 Man shot at East Orange gas station

March 2013

The East Orange News first began collecting news links in March of 2013. The latest links will be found on the front page of the Interactive museum. At the end of each month, the links will be archived in the TIMELINE section.

3/30/13 Elmwood Park Easter Egg Hunt

3/30/13 East Orange man plows stolen car into dealership

3/30/13 Residents of East Orange Encouraged Not to Think

3/29/13 Shooting in East Orange triggers police chase - ABC News Report

3/29/13 East Orange man on heroin high caught in VA

3/26/13 Mayor Bowser's aide to run for governor

3/26/13 Dionne Warwick files for bankruptcy

3/25/13 Watchung police charge East Orange woman
for driving unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured

WORLD NEWS from 2013

Historic World News from 2013
History Repeats Itself

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
attributed to Albert Einstein

August 28, 1963
March on Washington

August 28, 2010
Glenn Beck
Restoring Honor

August 28, 2013
Obama & His Peeps
March on Washington

Do your own crowd counts. Draw your own conclusions.
Guess which group left the Washington Mall cleaner than it was when they arrived?

1921 Mount Zion Baptist Church in Tulsa, OK,
Burned to the Ground by White Racists.
  August 14, 2013 Amir Tadros Church in Minya Burned
to the Ground by The Muslim Brotherhood

Credit: Twitter/JohnAaronWTOP


Credit: Twitter.com/DickUliano

Dozens Muslim March 9/11/13
They claim Hundreds, but many of those were protesting
the hubris of the Muslims.
  Thousands Biker Parade 9/11/13
Not 2 Million, but more than enough to surround
the Muslims if they had been allowed to.

9/19/13 - Statues "decapitated" at
New Jersey Church.

2012 - Not an isolated incident.


Angry Muslim Brotherhood mob
invades church of St. George
in Sohag, Egypt

More Details

Islamist Suicide Bombing of
Church in Pakistan

Credited to TheBlaze

Credited to @MelissaRNMBA

Concerned Americans Join
to Clean THEIR Monuments
and Parks in DC

Veterans Reclaim the
Peoples' Monuments
Return "Barry-cades"

to the White House

Credited to ReformedMediadotNet

Credited to @mahaskey

Riot Police Called to
Push Veterans From
White House

The "Barrycades" are Back!
What Happened to the
Furloughed Workers?



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� 2013, James Gerrish Temporary Custodian of the Web site